Wednesday, May 25, 2011

South Carolina!

Well, yes, its true. I suck at blogging. But that may be because I NEVER look at peoples blogs and therefore assume no one would ever look at I am writing this to myself. But Ill do it anyway! We went to South Carolina, and it was by far the most amazing vacation I have ever had! Visiting marcus's mission and so many people whose lives he helped to touch, there were times when it was absolutely breath taking. So many people love him so much and to watch them light up when they saw him was fantastic. The best thing a wife could ask for.
We started out trip by flying into Charleston, travelled up to Myrtle Beach, went into Columbia, and ended the South Carolina tour in Greenville before visiting my dad in Chattanooga for a day and then flying back home!
It was an amazing trip, and we wouldnt have changed a thing! Poor college students CAN have just means we have to work extra hard now that we are home! But it was all worth it.
To watch Marcus light up and be able to rekindle the spirits of some, was definitely worth it. To watch Marcus recommit families to be better, to attend church, it was worth it. To watch people tell Marcus that they loved him so much and thank him for being true to his word and visiting, was worth it. I have an amazing husband, who allows the Lord to do amazing things through him. He is my biggest and greatest blessing.
I also got a tan in Myrtle Beach...I won't complain about that either:)